Tuesday, January 19, 2016

21 January 2016: Debating India's Reservation Policy

Ashwini Deshpande
Delhi School of Economics
Surjit Bhalla
Oxus Research and Investments
D. Shyam Babu
Centre for Policy Research
Cristina Dragomir
SUNY Oswego, New York
Britta Petersen
Observer Research Foundation

The unprecedented success of Hardik Patel led agitation demanding OBC status for his “influential” Patidar community in Gujarat has once again brought back the spotlight on India's most controversial public policy.  Does reservation policy need a major overhaul? Can one think of a set of affirmative policies that would be able to address numerous shortcomings/limitations of current reservation policy? Are there ways and means to address the growing resentment/backwardness of minorities particularly Muslims and economically backward people from among upper caste? Can one identify more forward looking affirmative action policies other than quotas that several countries around the world are currently following to answer deeply entrenched inequality in their societies? The panel will brainstorm some of the emerging questions. 

Date: January 21, 2016
Time: 10:30 A.M.

ORF Conference Room
Observer Research Foundation
20 Rouse Avenue Institutional Area
New Delhi-110002(INDIA)


RSVP - Niranjan Sahoo (niranjansahoo@orfonline.org).

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